While pondering whether the economic stimulus is actually a good thing (it will inevitably create massive wealth, but wealth is what we must avoid to remain pure), I was also thinking about how we must cherish democracy.
Democracy = The People Speak!
Democracy is what enables the masses of working people to resist the onslaught of the landlords by establishing rent control.
Democracy is what enables the many to vote for low taxes so that the few rich can pay progressive taxes.
Democracy has allowed science to be determined by popularity -- as it ought to be. Fear global warming. Embrace recycling. Or be punished, minority!
Democracy has given us a Democratic Congress and our nation's first genuine President, Barack Hussein Obama.
Democracy will someday free billions of people from world domination of Zionists!
Through democratic institutions such as UNESCO, the people will be freed!
We have the numerical advantage, fascists. We can and will outvote you on our way to destroying you.
Death to Amerikkka!
Prof, revolution is on the way
Thank you, this is refreshing news indeed. Yes, "wymyn need money", so what option do they have other than to rob banks?
It's like asking the Palestinian People what option they have other than to destroy the Zionist enemy!
I only wish that the wymyn also understood that robbing banks is also essential to defeat kkkapitalism.
sheer brilliance!
Democracy is about populace(the majority)redundant
were you fail is science is about the truth not people,
I guess your saying we are all going to vote that the world is flat
and for 2 million years I've been trying to teach people yup people are good to eat!
Democracy has allowed science to be determined by popularity -- as it ought to be. Fear global warming. Embrace recycling. Or be punished, minority! softmod Wii | how to softmod Wii
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