Saturday, February 28, 2009

Total Justice

An interesting point from the comments:

Are you really suggesting that redistribution will end after the same wealth number is achieved? Then what about the oppressed - the womyn, sun people, transgendered and the like?

"Will redistribution end after the same wealth number is achieved?" happens to be a final exam essay question in my graduate economics class.

Therefore, I cannot give away the entire answer -- but clearly, justice encompasses more than just the economic realm. Certainly, a neocultural paradigm that is contextualized into a presemanticist discourse cannot but be a subtextual post-semiotic stasis.

Is it an illusion? Or is it self-mythopotic?

I fear so, as the whole of injustice can be substruded beyond a mere materialistic perspectual dyneriacticalacticysm.

The cowardice of not sending Attorney General Holder the reparations check that he so merits is but one example of social injustices that are diotronomically and invertudinally so repugnant such that our own President Barack Hussein Obama must also mensaphize and abormalate the vast injustices that have been heaped upon his self, his family, and his people.

The hyponeutorical excess of historical injustices will diminsh only in the presence of post-recordance and midistantual aphorximiatic vectors.


Anonymous said...

Professor, will you be back? Even your photo is gone - don't let this blog disappear. The world needs your insights!!!

galia@israel said...

there is no any social justice just according to the human being nature. people dont want and dont accept ideas of ebing all eequal, just people whos situation is worse then others insist on changes

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Col. B. Bunny said...

I couldn't have said it better myself.

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