Craigslist and Human Rights Violators
From CNN : A federal lawsuit accuses the online site Craigslist of violating fair housing laws by publishing discriminatory classified ads, reviving the question of what legal boundaries, if any, should exist for postings on the Internet.
For starters, let's hope that Craigslist is shut down permanently and their owners are hit with multimillion dollar lawsuits for pubishing real-estate ads where race, gender and religion are mentioned. Among the housing ads cited as objectionable by the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Inc. were ones that read "NO MINORITIES," "Requirements: Clean Godly Christian Male," and "Only Muslims apply."
But we can't stop with Craigslist.
An even worse violator is
Just look at ther main page, where they explicitly ask people to discriminate on gender, age, and address.When I dug a little deeper at, I found endless discrimination based on race, religion, education, height, weight, hair color, and all aspects of appearance. So, what I want to know is: Why should they get away with this genderism, ageism, racism, weightism, etc., etc., etc.?
If these criteria are illegal to buy a house or hire an employee, then certainly they must be abolished for the more critical activity of selecting a partner.
Obviously, is worse than slavery and worse than "The Holocaust", and their subscribers must be severely punished. Are there any lawyers listening?
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